Warping Creels


Design Options

  • Modular Constructions
  • Different Models to Meet Different Requirements
  • Swivel Frames Creel for Large and Heavy Packages
  • Truck Trolley Creel with Reserve Truck for Higher Productivity
  • Magazine Creel with Thread Transfer for Continuous Production
  • Outside Threading (spun Yarn) n Inside Threading (filament Yarn)


Packages mounted in zig-zag fashion to reduce the length of creel and with no tension disc. Hence this is tensionless Creel for working at high speed.Yarn sensors are provided at individual package.


  • Minimum Friction On Threads
  • Minimum Thread Tension
  • Uniform Thread Tension From First To Last End
  • No Snarling


  • Working Speed Upto 1200 Meter/min
  • No Thread Guide
  • Minimum Cleaning And Fluff Accumulation
  • Easy Package Loading
  • Automatic Changing Of Creel APPLICATION
  • Easy Threading In Stop Motion Bkt.

Technical Parameters

Warping ‘H’ Type Creel

Pitch Distance Vertical 200 220 240 270 300 336 360 400 433 484
Pitch Distance Horizontal 200 225 240 270 300 337.5 400 400 450 440
No. of Rows 10 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 43
No. of Pegs per Module 240 216 160 160 112 96 72 60 60 48
Height of Top Tier from Floor 2160 2120 2030 2223 2200 2080 2200 2010 2169 2149
Sectional Length 2400 2700 2400 2700 2400 2700 2400 2400 2700 2640
Total Height of Creel 3656


Horiz. Pitch Vertical Pitch Max. Packages ø Number Of Tiers Running Threads
240 240 230 9 504 576 648 720 792 864 936 1008 1080 1152 1224 1296
270 255 8 448 512 576 640 704 768 832 896 960 1024 1088 1152
305 265 7 392 448 504 560 616 672 728 784 840 896 952 1008
350 278 6 384 432 480 528 576 624 672 720 768 816 864
435 305 5 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720
Horiz. Pitch Vertical Pitch Max. Packages ø Number Of Tiers Running Threads
320 240 230 9 378 432 486 540 594 648 702 756 810 864 918 972
270 260 8 336 384 432 480 528 576 624 672 720 768 816 864
305 295 7 336 378 420 462 504 546 588 630 672 714 756
350 340 6 324 360 396 432 468 504 540 576 612 648
435 365 5 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540
Creel Dimensions
A 7406 7983 9716 9139 9716 10293 10870 11448 12025 12603 13180 13758
B 13285 14200 15116 16031 16947 17863 18778 19694 20610 21525 22441 23356
C 3807 4357 4934 5512 6089 6666 7243 7821 8398 8976 9553 10130
D 8770 9685 10601 11516 12432 13348 14263 15179 16095 17010 17926 18841
Total Height Of Creel 2993

Product Inquiry